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"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go." Dr. Seuss.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Dr. Seuss.

"If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good." Dr. Seuss.

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” Dr. Seuss.

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” Dr. Seuss.

"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." William Hemley

"Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine." Buddha

04 December 2013


1. Read the following text. (Lee el siguiente texto).

Robot Factory is a very important company in the U.S.A. It is in Michigan and it makes robots. The company has got different types of robots for construction and engineering. They all have got gadgets, tools and mechanical parts.

This is HAMMER ROBOT. You have got an infra – red remote controller with twenty keys to control the robot. It is a construction and engineering robot. It is a very special robot because it has got 50 different tools to work in construction and excellent gadgets. For example, it has got three hammers, a spanner, a screwdriver, a T – ruler, a chisel and a saw. It hasn’t got a file but it has got pliers. It has got a box of nails, screws, nuts and bolts. It has got many widgets, too. It has got a 16 – megapixels digital camera to take fantastic photos, a scientific calculator and an MP5 to listen to music and watch and record videos. It hasn’t got a DVD player but it has got a video game console and a computer to play games with friends. It has got WI – FI Internet connection, Bluetooth and USB. It has got a torch and a laser. It has got two long mechanical arms. This robot is grey, but the model comes in black, green, white and red, too. It is made of aluminium and it is made in China. It costs twenty – thousand dollars.

2. Write TRUE or FALSE. Correct the FALSE sentences. (Escribe VERDADERO o FALSO. Corrige las oraciones FALSAS).

a. The Robot Factory is Canadian.
b. The robot has got a remote controller with 12 keys.
c. It is a robot for constructors and engineers.
d. It has got fifteen different tools.
e. The MP5 player is used to take photos.
f. The digital camera is a widget.
g. The video game console and the computer have got games.
h. It has got Internet connection.
i. The robot is available in four different colours.
j. It is made of metal. 

3. Answer the following questions about the robot. (Responde las siguientes preguntas sobre el robot).

a. Where is the factory?
b. Have the robots got mechanical parts?
c. Why is this robot special?
d. Is the robot good for construction? Why?
e. How much is it?

4. Find words from the text in this letter soup. (Encuentra palabras del texto en esta sopa de letras).


5. Look at the following videos from the films ROBOTS and WALL - E. Choose one of the robots and describe it. Use the text from activity 1 as a model. (Mira los siguientes videos sobre las películas ROBOTS y WALL - E. Elige uno de los robots y descríbelo. Usa el texto de la actividad 1 como modelo).

6. Work in groups of 3 or 4 to complete this project. (Trabaja en grupos de 3 o 4 para completar este proyecto).

You are members of a group of engineers on electronics who are competing to design a robot for Robot Factory. Complete the following steps to introduce your creation. (Ustedes son miembros de un grupo de ingenieros en electrónica que están compitiendo para diseñar un robot para Robot Factory. Completen los siguientes pasos para presentar su creación).
  • Think about your robot: its parts, appearance, colour, gadgets, widgets, etc. (Piensen en su robot: sus partes, apariencia, color, dispositivos, etc.)
  • Draw and paint the robot using a design program such as Corel Draw or Paint or just do it on a piece of paper. (Dibujen y pinten el robot usando un programa de diseño como Corel Draw o Paint o dibújenlo en un papel.)
  • Write a description of your robot on Word using the text from activity 1 as a model. (Escriban una descripción de su robot en Word usando el texto de la actividad 1 como modelo.)
  • Make a Power Point presentation, a video using Windows Live Movie Maker or a Voicethread to introduce your robot. Use pictures to describe its parts, gadgets, widgets, etc. (Realicen una presentación con Power Point, un video usando Windows Live Movie Maker o un Voicethread para presentar su robot. Usen imágenes para describir sus partes, dispositivos, etc.)
  • Upload your Power Point presentation to Slideshare or your video to YouTube. You will need to register or open an account. (Suban su presentación a Slideshare o su video a YouTube. Necesitarán registrarse o abrir una cuenta.)
  • Make a sales broachure using Word or Publisher to advertise and sell your product or a poster using Glogster. (Realicen un folleto de venta usando Word o Publisher para publicitar su producto o un poster usando Glogster.)
  • Introduce your robot to the class and to the teacher. They will act as a jury from the factory and choose the best project. (Presenten su robot a la clase y a la profesora. Ellos actuarán como un jurado de la fábrica y elegirán el mejor proyecto.)
  • Share on the Facebook group for the class your presentation on Slideshare/your video on YouTube and the broachure or the poster you did. Comment on the other groups' projects. (Compartan en el grupo de Facebook de la clase su presentación en Slideshare o su video en YouTube junto con el folleto o el poster que hicieron. Comenten sobre las producciones de los demás.)
You may need:
  • Tutorial on Power Point

  • Tutorial on Windows Live Movie Maker

  • Tutorial on Glogster:

  • Tutorial on Voicethread:

You can also ask your teacher

Now let's get to work!!! 

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